Tuesday, October 2, 2007

To commit or to not?

A dilemma I put an end to today deals with paying a sum of $5000 to ISB as a commitment to join their program. After contemplating on it for a week or so, I remained with no other alternative. With IIM's admission decision not due to be announced until Oct 31, I simply couldn't risk not paying ISB until then, as doing so would take me well beyond the given deadline of 2 weeks to pay.

A bigger dilemma to be dealt with will be on Oct 31, if I am able to get an admission offer from IIM. For sure, the $5000 that I just graciously paid to ISB is going to be difficult to retract. After all, the word 'non-refundable' associated to the fee appears what seems like a thousand times when cursorily looking at ISB's website.

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