Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Raining Knowledge at IIM

It is only April and the heat seems to show no respite. Relief, however, is on the way in the form of a down pour of a different kind, down pour of induced intellect.

It is strange to be a student again, long after the mind has shut off or lost thousands of learning cells. Nine years in the corporate world seems to have done no justice to my analytical ability. The cold dose of reality was bestowed upon us the other day when after we as a class did not live up to professor's expectation while cracking a case study. This after burning the mid-night oil in preparation for the case.

Doing a course like this inundates an overwhelming feeling, and makes me wish that there was a guide on "How to Survive IIMA-PGPX". I might take up the initiative to write one myself and create ACCV, once I get through the program. What is ACCV, one might ask. Well, it is one of the new found jargons in my vocabulary, which stands for Assessing and Creating Customer Value. While we're at it, here is a list of rest of the jargons pouring down upon me in term 1.

Managerial Economics (Firms and Markets)
Organizational Behavior
Management Communication
Financial Reporting and Accounting
Assessing and Creating Customer Value
Strategic Human Resource Management

Absorbing this profound amount of knowledge in the time given is like asking someone to drink from a fire hose. Therefore, another critical skill I seem to have sub-consciously developed is the 'art of skimming' which, believe it or not, is an efficient variable of time management. Having said that, before I start to mis-manage my time, I better log off.

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