Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oblivion at Its Height

After just having submitted a report at 2:30 am in the morning, I needed an outlet to vent, and thus am scribbling down a few points of discontent.

It has been roughly 1.5 months since the inception of term I and the brutality that we've had to undergo as a class has been second to none. For example, in the mentioned period, we've had:

2 Final Exams
1 Midterm Exam
6 Surprise Quizzes (with 1 hour advance notice)
10 Report Submissions

The endurance is being stretched beyond limits, and so is the patience. I have digested the extent of sleep deprivation to the point where going to bed at 3am, while waking up at 7:30am is now the norm.

Culmination of this madness leads to a fitting title 'Oblivion', as a result of not having set foot outside of the campus premises more than once in the last 1.5 months. Oblivion from the world outside, oblivion from society.

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